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So Why Business English?

So Why Business English?

The importance of business English for professional growth and effective communication

Although many non-native English speakers communicate well in English during casual conversations or while traveling, challenges arise when communicating professionally, especially with overseas colleagues or business partners. Time is often limited, and it is essential to create a clear and effective interaction in a short period.

Conversely, some professionals excel at talking about their work but struggle in informal social settings, such as dining with a host and their spouse at a restaurant. In such situations, discussing topics like money or politics can create discomfort or even be perceived as disrespectful, depending on cultural norms.

Effective communication in business English becomes particularly critical during meetings. First impressions matter, and projecting confidence and ease in a professional setting is vital. Every word counts, and understanding the cultural code of conduct, which can vary greatly between countries, is essential for making the right impression.

What works well in your native language may not translate effectively in business English. One client of mine shared a story that illustrates this: During a business trip to France, he and a salesperson from his company met with the board of directors of a recently acquired company. The salesperson, eager to impress, passionately talked about the company’s capabilities and concluded, “And with this, we will go to war and win!” While this expression is common and positive in countries like Israel or Ukraine, it led to confusion in France, requiring a lengthy explanation that they weren’t intending any actual conflict.

Another common scenario involves giving presentations abroad. Public speaking is stressful for many, and presenting in English adds an extra layer of difficulty. That’s why many business English training programs focus on providing tools to deliver presentations clearly and engagingly.

There are several key elements to delivering a successful presentation, regardless of the language: confidence, both in speech and body language; a well-structured, smooth flow of content; and the ability to convey crucial information at an impressive language level. Managers who present professionally, with confidence and clarity, increase their chances of achieving the desired impact.

In conclusion, why is business English important? It helps professionals excel in their field by ensuring they can communicate effectively in today’s highly competitive business world. Fluent and correct communication can significantly enhance both individual performance and the success of the company they represent.

For more information about our business English Training Programs

TriEnglish – Coaching You to Succeed… in English!

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